The face is one of the most striking body parts. The most prominent organ in the face area is the nose. Structural disorders in the nose, which gives the face an aesthetic appearance, are also disturbing for many people. It is an important issue to eliminate the disorders affecting the aesthetic appearance of the nose. Deformities can negatively affect the aesthetic appearance as well as make it difficult for people with deformities to breathe. Therefore, corrections are of great importance in every sense. With the technologies used today and gradually developing, it has become easier to correct the existing disorders. Disorders seen in the nose area, which make it difficult for the patient to breathe and affect the aesthetic appearance can be solved with rhinoplasty operations. Rhinoplasty, which can also be called rhinoplasty, can also be performed with simple operations.
What is Rhinoplasty?
There are many questions about rhinoplasty. It would be correct to start these questions with the question of what is rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty or rhinoplasty is a plastic surgery operation performed to correct breathing disorders and unwanted nasal appearance. It is performed by changing the bone or cartilage structures in the nose. It can be seen that these operations are also called nasoplasty.
Rhinoplasty surgeries can be performed for more than one reason. Birth defects are one of the main reasons for aesthetic operations. It is performed to correct congenital defects that affect the appearance of the nose. Another purpose is to eliminate the disorders that occur due to trauma in the nose. Apart from these disorders, conditions that cause breathing difficulties are also eliminated.
Who Can Have Rhinoplasty?
Rhinoplasty surgery is an operation that can be applied to people with different problems in the nose. These operations can also be performed only in line with personal wishes. In other words, it can be performed not only to eliminate health problems but also to change the aesthetic appearance depending on the wishes.
Rhinoplasty can be performed in cases of curvature or dislocation of the nasal bone. Apart from this, rhinoplasty can also be preferred in cases where the nasal structure is not symmetrical or the cartilage part is crooked and similar situations. Rhinoplasty operations are also applied if the nose is much larger than normal. It is possible to achieve the following results with rhinoplasty surgeries: Correction of the nostrils, shaping the tip of the nose according to the wishes, changing the angle, changing the size of the nose according to the wishes.
How is Nose Aesthetics Performed?
The subject of how rhinoplasty is performed is also wondered by people who research on this subject. The information that can be given about how these aesthetic operations are performed is quite a lot. Rhinoplasty surgeries can be performed closed and open. According to the types of surgery, there are differences in the applications, healing process and many similar issues.
Open Rhinoplasty
Open rhinoplasty or open rhinoplasty surgery, as the name suggests, is performed by opening the nostrils. In this type of surgery, an incision is made in the nostrils. This small incision makes it possible to intervene in a much larger area. Since it offers a better view, the applications are performed comfortably. After the intervention in areas such as bone or cartilage in the nose, the incision is closed and the stitches heal within a certain period of time. Open rhinoplasty is generally preferred when major changes are to be made to the nose. However, it is seen that the recovery time is longer than other operations. It is not possible to give a clear answer to the question of when rhinoplasty heals. Conditions such as bruising and edema that occur after surgery heal within 1 week. However, the complete end of the healing process is between 6 months and 12 months. This is a period of time that can be shown as an answer to the question of when rhinoplasty sits.
Closed Rhinoplasty
It can be said that there is a very small difference between closed rhinoplasty and open rhinoplasty. In open rhinoplasty, the incision made in the nostrils is visible. In other words, the postoperative stitches are visible. In closed rhinoplasty, the incisions are made on the inside of the nostrils. In this way, the incisions remain inside the nose and are visible. However, unlike open surgeries, it offers less visibility during the operation. The fact that the incisions are located inside the nose and the operation is performed in a closed manner shortens the recovery time. In general, it is a preferred operation for making minor changes and corrections in the nose.
Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty
Non-surgical rhinoplasty is also among the popular applications of the last period. This non-surgical method can be preferred for the elimination of small defects in the nose. In this method, also called nasal filling, gel fillers are used to eliminate the disorder. For example, the drooping seen at the tip of the nose can be eliminated by filling the tip of the nose. Fillers easily made by injection do not offer a permanent solution. In other words, nasal fillers can offer the desired aesthetic appearance for 9 to 12 months. However, after this period, the filling should be renewed to prevent the appearance from returning to its previous state.
How Does the Rhinoplasty Surgery Process Proceed?
The whole process, including before and after rhinoplasty surgery, is carried out by specialist physicians. Detailed evaluation and information are provided in the whole process. Before rhinoplasty surgeries are performed, physicians first determine whether the patient is suitable for the operation. In this process where the medical history and existing diseases are evaluated, it is also very important that the patients inform the physicians correctly.
In the following process of the evaluation, a physical examination is performed. In other words, the internal and external structures of the nose are evaluated. Planning is completed by taking into account the wishes and necessary changes. Blood analyzes and similar examinations can also be performed in the preoperative process. Before the operations take place, patients are informed about the medicines they should consume or the medicines they should not use. It is very important to inform the patient and the physician before rhinoplasty operations performed under general anesthesia. How many hours rhinoplasty takes is also one of the issues that are wondered in this process. In general, it is an operation that takes 2 or 3 hours. After this operation, patients can be kept under observation according to their condition. After about 4 or 6 hours after the operation, patients can stand up and walk. However, these actions should take place under the control of physicians. After the observation period is over, a certain rest period is included. The recovery process will differ according to the operations performed and the patients. Necessary information will be given about this whole process.
Rhinoplasty Prices
Rhinoplasty prices are one of the issues researched by those who want to have this operation. Especially those who want to have these operations depending on their personal preference investigate the current list of rhinoplasty prices 2023. It is not possible to determine a clear price for these operations. Many issues such as the method preferred in operations, the patient’s condition, the size of the required or requested change will determine the answer to the question of how much rhinoplasty is. You can contact us to get detailed information about rhinoplasty procedures, process and price.